Understanding the Basics of Jolly Phonics

Sonal Ravi Andrews

Sonal Ravi Andrews

Founder, Director & Lead Teacher Trainer

Jolly Phonics is a fun and interactive method of learning the sounds of English letters, which is essential in developing reading and writing skills. The program divides the sounds into seven different groups. Let’s break down each group and discuss the sounds of the letters in them.
letteras scaled

Group 1. Sounds of Letters - s a t i p n

The first group of sounds includes the letters s, a, t, i, p, and n. The sound of “s” is similar to a snake hissing, like ‘ssss’. “A” sounds like ‘ah’, as in apple. “T” sounds like ‘tttt’, like the sound you make when tapping a drum. The sound of “i” is like ‘ih’ as in sit. “P” sounds like ‘ppppp’ like in the word ‘pop’. Finally, “n” makes the sound ‘nnnn’, a bit nasal like when plane goes ‘nnnnn’.

Sounds of s a t i p n

Jolly Jingle - Sound of s a t i p n

Group 2. Sounds of Letters - ck e h r m d

In the second group, we have ck, e, h, r, m, and d. “Ck” sounds like ‘ck’ as in ‘lock’. “E” sounds like ‘eh’ as in ‘pen’. “H” makes the sound ‘hhh’ as in ‘hat’. The sound of “r” is like ‘rrr’ as in ‘rat’. “M” sounds like ‘mmm’ like saying yummmmm’, and “d” makes the sound ‘dddd’ as in ‘dog’.

Sounds of ck e h r m d

Jolly Jingle - Sound of ck e h r m d

Group 3. Sounds of Letters - g o u l f b

In the third group, we learn the sounds of g, o, u, l, f, and b. “G” sounds like ‘guh’ as in ‘goat’. “O” makes the sound ‘oh’ as in ‘orange’. The sound of “u” is ‘uh’ as in ‘umbrella’. “L” sounds like ‘lll’ as in ‘lamb’. “F” makes the sound ‘fff’ as in ‘fish’ and “b” sounds like ‘buh’ as in ‘bat’.

Sounds of g o u l f b

Jolly Jingle - Sound of g o u l f b

Group 4. Sounds of Letters - ai j oa ie ee or

The fourth group introduces more complex sounds with ai, j, oa, ie, ee, and or. “Ai” makes a sound like ‘ay’ as in ‘rain’. “J” sounds like ‘juh’ as in ‘jug’. “Oa” sounds like ‘oh’ as in ‘goat’. The sound of “ie” is ‘ee’ as in ‘pie’. “Ee” also makes the sound ‘ee’ as in ‘see’, and “or” sounds like ‘or’ as in ‘fork’.

Sounds of ai j oa ie ee or

Jolly Jingle - Sound of ai j oa ie ee or

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Group 5: Sounds of Letters - z w ng v oo OO

The fifth group covers the sounds z, w, ng, v, oo, and OO. “Z” sounds like ‘zzz’ as in ‘zoo’. “W” makes the sound ‘wuh’ as in ‘wind’. “Ng” makes a ‘ng’ sound as in ‘sing’. “V” sounds like ‘vvv’ as in ‘vase’. “oo” and “OO” produce different sounds: “oo” as in ‘look’ and “OO” as in ‘moon’.

Sounds of z w ng v oo OO

Jolly Jingle - Sound of z w ng v oo OO

Group 6: Sounds of Letters - y x ch sh th TH

In the sixth group, we learn the sounds of y, x, ch, sh, th, and TH. “Y” sounds like ‘yuh’ as in ‘yellow’. “X” makes the ‘ks’ sound as in ‘box’. “Ch” makes a ‘ch’ sound as in ‘chip’. “Sh” sounds like ‘sh’ as in ‘shush’. “th” and “TH” also produce different sounds, “th” as in ‘this’ and “TH” as in ‘thing’.

Sounds of y x ch sh th TH

Jolly Jingle - Sound of y x ch sh th TH

Group 7: Sounds of Letters - qu ou oi ue er ar

The last group consists of the sounds qu, ou, oi, ue, er, and ar. “Qu” makes a ‘kw’ sound as in ‘queen’. “Ou” sounds like ‘ou’ as in ‘out’. “Oi” makes the sound ‘oi’ as in ‘coin’. “Ue” sounds like ‘yoo’ as in ‘cue’. “Er” sounds like ‘er’ as in ‘her’, and “ar” sounds like ‘ar’ as in ‘car’.

Sounds of qu ou oi ue er ar

Jolly Jingle -Sound of qu ou oi ue er ar


Learning the sounds in Jolly Phonics can be an exciting journey. Understanding the sounds of each letter and letter group helps children to read and spell words correctly. It is a beneficial and practical tool for early literacy development. So, enjoy the journey of learning with Jolly Phonics!